
Economic Empowerment and Livelihood.

Here is our photos from different organization activities including youth in economic empowerment and livelihood

Climate change Adaptation

MYCN implements different projects on environmental conservation and climate change adaptation through raising awareness , and facilitating intervention on environmental conservation and climate change adaptation to the community. MYCN promotes climate justice through ensuring integration and accountability of community climate priorities in Local government development plans to ensure adaptation and resilience to climate change. This aim to create resilience to community member through awareness rising , mitigation and adaptation measures.

Junior Council

MYCN strengthen child protection platforms and systems such as children council, children protection committee, and young reporters’ program on identifying, preventing and handling children violence cases here are the photo of junior council meet and raise awareness and including training

Young Reporters

The program aiming at advocating for the children's rights through effective implementation of the policies by carrying out communities in schools children and media engagement and awareness programs Young reporters have the skills to produce weekly radio shows for children and reaching millions of listeners on community and national radio stations with key messages on child rights.

Youth Reporters

Shughuli ya Utoaji wa Elimu Juu Ya Mabadiliko ya Tabia Nchi

Tarehe 11/10/2024, MYCN kupitia Wanahabari Watoto kwa kushirikiana na Baraza la Watoto la Kata ya Kahama, limeendesha zoezi la kutoa elimu kuhusu mabadiliko ya tabianchi na utunzaji wa mazingira kwa wanafunzi wa shule ya msingi Magaka. Zoezi hili limejumuisha upandaji wa miti zaidi ya 100 kwa ushirikiano na wanafunzi wa shule hiyo pamoja na walimu.